Comment 0 for bug 1871500

Revision history for this message
Michael J. Kidd (linuxkidd) wrote :

During installation of 20.04 beta:

Advanced partitioning attempts to setup encrypted / and swap partitions, attempting to proceed beyond partitioning UI results in failure to mount crypted volume as /target.

Further checks from terminal show no valid filesystem exists on the open dmcrypt volume.

Reproduction details:
 - Existing windows installation partitions, consuming ~1/2 of a 1TB NVMe
 - Create new 1gb EXT4 formatted, non-encrypted /boot partition
 - Create new 70gb encrypted partition
   + Edit the new partition to be / and formatted ext4
 - Create new 16gb encrypted partition
   + Edit the new partition to be type swap
 - Click the button to continue installation

Expected results:
 - Installation continues

Actual results:
 - Time zone selection screen appears, but message pops up indicating a failure to mount the encrypted / volume on /target
 - Unable to click 'Go Back' or 'Continue' or the 'X' at the top of the modal dialog
 - Unable to click anything on the time zone selection window underneath ( greyed out )

 - Attempts to re-use existing encrypted partitions was 100% unsuccessful
   + Tried clicking one, setting it as a raw encrypted partition, setting the password that existed on it, but the installer never presented details about that crypted filesystem's contents
   + Tried pre-opening the crypted volumes from terminal using cryptsetup, which did allow the installation to complete, but was unable to boot due to missing crypttab entries in initramfs.