Comment 0 for bug 1822464

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Vladimir Yerilov (openmindead) wrote : iThe installer ignores deliberately selected /boot/efi partition

I've noticed that Ubuntu installer ignores explicitly selected /boot/efi partition. I have 2 ssd drives: the first one is nvme (/dev/nvme0n1) the second one is sata (/dev/sda), both have their EFI partitions for multiboot purposes. During the installation process the installer generates fstab with /dev/nvme0n1p1 as /boot/efi despite the fact that the partition chosen for this mount point was /dev/sda1. Device for bootloader installation was /dev/sda. Moreover, /dev/nvme0n1p1 was even marked as "do not use this partition", but anyway it got put in requisition.
Moving bootloader files (grubx64.efi,etc) to initially desired location, editing fstab correspondingly, remounting partitions and re-installation of grub helps but these actions are not user-friendly and the situation itself is not good at all.
This issue affects Ubuntu 18.04 onwards (18.10 and 19.04 too).

$ lsb_release -rd
Description: Ubuntu Disco Dingo (development branch)
Release: 19.04