Comment 5 for bug 1796876

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APolihron (apolitech) wrote :

So there are 2 bugs :
1 "Yes it is when using Ubiquity" "when selecting Switzerland, all keyboard layouts are the same and therefore wrong."

2."the keyboard layout seems to be set to the default (us) keyboard.

After the installation the Keyboard layout must be changed in /etc/default/keyboard to make it systemwide.
When changing the keyboard layout in systemconfiguration/keyboard, only for the user is the keyboard layout changed correctly. But on the lockscreen is the keyboard layout still set to us. therefore editing the file /etc/default/keyboard".

BUT my question is this if you manual select the keyboard layout after instalation from Control Center-> Keyboard-> Layouts -> add is there the same problem as "when selecting Switzerland, all keyboard layouts are the same and therefore wrong."