Comment 0 for bug 174669

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Drate Otin (drate-otin) wrote :

This but is similar to bugs 144230 and 108562. I assume a more recent release constitutes a new bug...

That said, it's pretty straight forward: the partition manager starts, it thinks I have a SATA hard drive, which I don't, I have IDE, and then only sees a blank (no partitions) disk.

I tried Server 6.06 and found that it also did not detect any partitions. I have 3 1/2. They are a pre-existing install of Gutsy server (which I intend to over-write), an install of PCLOS 2007, a shared home directory between them, and a logical partition for swap. From what I've read this problem has been a recurring one in Ubuntu releases and may have to do with inconsistent partition tables or some such. I have read of a possible work around but this is obviously not ideal. Installation is NOT where you want to start getting hiccups.

Graci for the attention.