Comment 8 for bug 1176674

Revision history for this message
d3athp3nguin (d3athp3nguin) wrote :

I encountered the exact same issue as the OP, with the same steps performed (Kubuntu 13.04 liveUSB via UEFI mode). It would finish installing packages, but fail with one of the errors mentioned in the OP (depending on whether I was reinstalling or running the boot-repair utility). The boot-repair tool did not work for me using it's "recommended" settings.

My workaround was to force-boot the USB stick in non-UEFI mode, blow away the GPT partition table on the target disk, use parted to write a MBR partition layout on the disk, and then re-run the installer without UEFI.

Unfortunately I was silly and didn't collect crash data :-( Thanks for confirming as a bug!