Comment 0 for bug 1174659

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Aaron Whitehouse (aaron-whitehouse) wrote :

I use Full-Disk Encryption. It does not seem possible to set up multiple partitions within the encrypted area through the "Something else" manual partitioner.

It is possible to create a "Physical area for encrypted partitions" (I'm not 100% on the wording), but as far as I can establish, you can only put one partition into that "area" - the "+" button is greyed out once one has been added.

I also have Windows 7 on the machine, so I can't use the automatic set-up. What I wanted to do was set up an encrypted "area" (is this an LVM partition?) that I unlock with a passphrase on boot and then, within that, have my Swap, / and Home partitions.

I managed to get something working by:
1) Choose "Something Else"
2) Add a small ext4 /boot/ partition (I did 500mb, but I think that was too big - I missed this step the first time and it errored out in a horrible way)
3) Make the rest of the free space a "Encrypted physical volume" or whatever it is called at the bottom of the list - this prompts you for a passphrase.
4) This adds a new section at the top of the list of partitions with a default ext4 partition that you can make /
5) Click install and ignore the warnings about no swap space

See also which deals with both this manual partitioning point and also the ability to do this automatically alongside another OS (which is the subject of a separate bug report (Bug #1083038)).