Comment 4 for bug 1603988

Revision history for this message
Frédéric Brière (fbriere) wrote :

Hi, Twinkle upstream co-maintainer here. This issue has been filed on our GitHub tracker[1], and we have a pending pull request which fixes it[2].


To summarize, this issue arises when two user profiles sharing the same SIP username are enabled. This would require enabling the "Use domain name to create a unique contact header value" option (in "SIP protocol" > "General" > "Protocol options"). Normally, Twinkle would display a message informing you of this fact, but here it crashes before it had a chance to do so.

(If Twinkle crashes on start, you probably have both configured to activate at startup. Manually edit your configuration file (~/.twinkle/twinkle.sys) and remove the appropriate "start_user_profile" lines. At this point, Twinkle should start again, and you can enable the option for both users.)