Comment 14 for bug 482255

Revision history for this message
Martin Schläffer (mschlaeffer) wrote :

Thanks Whoopie! With the version of your PPA works. No black screen hangs on resume and tuxoniceui-usplash works as well. There are just some minor issues:

* pressing "Escape" during hibernation still does not work (is this an userui issue?)

* on resume, I guess before tuxoniceui_usplash takes over, the splash image is a bit scrambled and instead of the right-left-right moving progress bar, the progress bar goes backward, just as during hibernation

* in some cases, it is not switched back to X, so I still see the tuxonice debug_info output, but I can switch to X using Ctrl-Alt-F7

* in some cases, /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/99video hangs at the command "chvt 7", so for example, the network manager does not reconnect. after switching to console and back (Ctrl-Atl-F1, Ctrl-Alt-F7) /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/99video finishes