Comment 0 for bug 1553713

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote : First visit to location-using site results in two dialogs

Ubuntu 15.04 r270

0. Flash the phone.
1. Launch the Browser.
2. Go to
3. Tap “Allow”.

What happens:
2. A dialog appears, “Permission Request” “This page wants to use your device’s location.” Deny / Allow
3. A dialog appears, “Browser wants to access your current location.” Allow / Don’t Allow

What should happen: Only one dialog appears. Two is ridiculous, especially given their visual differences.

Possible ways to solve this bug:
* The Browser should something that isn’t a dialog for site-specific permissions, like Firefox does.
* The Browser should have every permission by default, on the understanding that it can be trusted to ask per-site.
* trust-store should let any app split permissions into zones granted independently, and Browser should have one zone per Web site.