Comment 1 for bug 3804

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Scott Beamer (angrykeyboarder) wrote : trn4 has dependancies which contradict progam description

The description reads:
"trn is a threaded news reader with a long history, descended from Larry Wall's rn (part of the second generation of newsreaders). It has a powerful full screen text mode user interface, where most actions are available at the press of a single key. It is highly configurable.

This version of trn reads news from a news server via NNTP (the Network News Transfer Protocol). You must have a news server available - large sites usually provide a site-wide server.

If you install a news server on your system (either containing just
local newsgroups or with a partial or full USENET feed) you can
configure trn to access it."

This implies one can install this program and access any NNTP server (such as one provided by one's ISP.

However, this package depends on inn2-news or inews. That dependancy contradicts the program's description does it not?

I'd like to install trn4, but don't want my own news server. t4n4 is simply a newsreader like tin, rn pine, pan, mozilla-thunderbird, knode and so on is it not?