Comment 3 for bug 700214

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Matt Giuca (mgiuca) wrote :

Hi Jordan, thanks for responding. I'm aware of how hard tracking bugs down is and unfortunately this seems pretty hard to reproduce. This is the first time I have used Transmission, and I haven't fiddled with any of the settings, so they should be the default for Ubuntu.

* My default "Save to Location" is ~/Desktop.
* My Edit -> Preferences -> Torrents "keep incomplete torrents in" checkbox is unchecked.
* I do have "append .part to incomplete files" checked.
* I just added the file and started downloading it; I did not manually specify to store it on the desktop. I remember seeing the file partially downloaded on the Desktop as it was going (but I don't remember whether or not it had a .part extension).
* I searched my hard drive for the .iso. I found a copy I downloaded using another program (since then), so I don't think Transmission put it there. That one downloaded to ~, so there is a slight chance Transmission put it in ~ and then I overwrote it with this other program, but I don't think so.

By your question about the ".part", do you think Transmission somehow forgot to set the filename to .part (of the partial download), then when it went to delete the .part file, accidentally deleted the original?

Anyway now that I'm not in immediate need of this file, I will try to repeat the exact same steps and see if I can get it to happen again.