Comment 23 for bug 655024

Revision history for this message
Charles Kerr (charlesk) wrote :

A user in IRC had some more information about this. After some testing, it looks like this might be an issue in the Abiance them theme. Could one or more people CCed to this list who are seeing this problem test this out to confirm/refute? That is, change the theme while using Transmission and compare the CPU use?


Highlights from the IRC chat:

17:00:45 < cwall> top shows transmission "taking over" -- e.g. 87% cpu on athlon 3200+ -- if I pause enough torrents. Perhaps 5% more cpu per paused torrent added.
17:20:05 <@charles> cwall: are you running the gtk client or the daemon?
17:20:13 < cwall> The gtk client.
17:20:50 <@charles> cwall: then my second question is, could you exit the gtk+ client and start running the same set of torrents in headless mode this way: "transmission-daemon -f -g $HOME/.config/transmission"
17:21:05 <@charles> that way we can find out whether the slowdown is coming from something in the gui, or from libtransmission
17:32:37 < cwall> No noticeable cpu usage with transmission-daemon; I haven't confirmed that the torrents are still paused, but I did not unpause them.
18:25:08 < cwall> # Events: 59K cycles
18:25:17 < cwall> # Overhead Command Shared Object Symbol
18:25:24 < cwall> 83.68% transmission-gt [.] 0x00000000017cda
18:27:14 <@charles> ...cwall a mad thought: what happens if you change your desktop theme from the ubuntu default to something else, like clearlooks
18:27:31 <@charles> on Fedora this is done via System > Preferences > Appearances > Theme
18:27:40 <@charles> probably something similar to that in Ubuntu
18:53:49 < cwall> Ok! transmission-gtk uses negligible cpu with clearlooks theme (and visual effects "none" and no subpixel font smoothing (laptop)).
19:00:23 < cwall> Re-enabled "visual effect" and font smoothing with no slowdown; going from clearlooks to "ambiance" made transmission cpu rocket up. The cpu usage with paused torrents occurs right away.
19:00:39 < cwall> right, well, certainly i have a workaround. gtk, eh. :)