Comment 5 for bug 883375

Revision history for this message
TomasHnyk (sup) wrote :

I managed to nstall the i386 deb in chroot, but it crashes all the time.

(1. set up chroot for lucid following this:
2. (everything else is inside chroot) apt-get install libavutil-extra-50 ffmpeg libicu42 libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a desktop-file-utils libsndfile1 libportaudio2
2. you will need to manually download lucid deb file libxerces-c28_2.8.0+deb1-2build1_i386.deb from here: (or elsewhere) and manually install it with dpkg -i
3. manually download libavutil-extra-50_0.6.2-1ubuntu2~ppa1~lucid1_i386.deb from and install it
4. From the host, overwrite library with something like this depending on where your chroot is sudo cp /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /chroot/lucid32/usr/lib/
5. In chroot, run export DISPLAY=:0.0
6. in host, run xhost +
7. now you can run TranscrbeAG from chroot

However, when I try to open a transcription file, I get:

TranscriberAG: relocation error: TranscriberAG: symbol av_init_packet, version LIBAVCODEC_52 not defined in file with link time reference


TranscriberAG: symbol lookup error: TranscriberAG: undefined symbol: _ZN3Gdk11ColorTraits9to_c_typeERKNS_5ColorE