Comment 10 for bug 1825963

Revision history for this message
Sam Thursfield (sam.thursfield) wrote :

Thanks for providing the '' file. How many other files are there in the same directory? And what is the total size of all of these .dds files?

Running `tracker extract` on the given gives the following message:

Call to gst_discoverer_discover_uri(file:///.../ failed: Internal data stream error.
file:///.../ No metadata or extractor modules found to handle this file

I think this is pretty normal, that GStreamer's type detection code sometimes reports an error when it fails to detect the type of a file. Running with `env GST_DEBUG=2` doesn't show any unexpected messages. Running under `valgrind` doesn't show any dramatic memory leak.

It's possible that this code path blows up on some larger files that are in the same directory, though. Could you run `tracker extract *` inside the problematic directory and see what happens? (This will run in the foreground so you should be able to CTRL+c if it starts to eat all your RAM ... which it hopefully will do so we can narrow down the problem :).