Comment 2 for bug 1598814

Revision history for this message
giacof (giacof) wrote :

Same in Ubuntu Gnome 17.04. I get zillions of errors in syslog:

May 31 14:32:00 Home tracker-miner-f[3366]: (Sparql buffer) Error in task 1 (file:///home/giacof/***) of the array-update: UNIQUE constraint failed: nie:DataObject.nie:url (str
error of errno (not necessarily related): Risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile)
May 31 14:32:00 Home tracker-miner-f[3366]: Could not execute sparql: UNIQUE constraint failed: nie:DataObject.nie:url (strerror of errno (not necessarily related): Risorsa temporaneamente non disp
May 31 14:32:00 Home tracker-miner-f[3366]: (Sparql buffer) Error in task 2 (file:///home/giacof/***) of the array-update: UNIQUE con
straint failed: nie:DataObject.nie:url (strerror of errno (not necessarily related): Risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile)
May 31 14:32:00 Home tracker-miner-f[3366]: Could not execute sparql: UNIQUE constraint failed: nie:DataObject.nie:url (strerror of errno (not necessarily related): Risorsa temporaneamente non disp
May 31 14:32:00 Home tracker-miner-f[3366]: (Sparql buffer) Error in task 3 (file:///home/giacof/***) of the array-update: UNIQUE constraint failed: nie:DataObject.nie:url (strerror of errno (not necessarily related): Risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile)

$ apt-cache policy tracker
  Installato: 1.12.0-0ubuntu1
  Candidato: 1.12.0-0ubuntu1
  Tabella versione:
 *** 1.12.0-0ubuntu1 500
        500 zesty/universe amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status