Comment 14 for bug 153319

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Emmet Caulfield (emmetcaulfield) wrote :

This may be a "me too".

On a fresh install of gutsy/amd64 (2.6.22-14-generic), trackerd (0.6.3) uses outrageous amounts of CPU (currently > 1:30:00) and memory (currently ~1GiB). The trackerd database (assuming that's it in ~/.local/share/tracker/data/common.db) is currently of reasonable size.

Originally, I'd written "to index a near-empty home directory" above, but it appears that by default, trackerd is configured to index all mounted filesystems. IMO, it seems like a bad choice of default for an individual user's tracker to go trying to index everything on the system. I have ~800GiB of disk (removable HDDs for backup, video, etc.) currently mounted in addition to the normal stuff.

Screenshot of outrageous mem/CPU use attached.