Comment 29 for bug 132741

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kdvolder (kdvolder) wrote :

I'm having similar issues, they started after I began having files in my home directory. (Before it was as good as empty and no big problems).

However, besides the performance bug, there's also a "usability" bug in tracker.
I can't use it because what I want most of the time, is simply search for a file with some string IN ITS NAME.

When I run this search through tracker, or the search feature in Nautilus, it gives me too much irrelevant results (presumably the irrelevant ones are files where the string appears somewhere in its contents).

Anyway, I turned off content indexing. I'm hoping this will do the trick.

If I ever wanted to search in the content of files (quite possibly useful I admit) at least it ought to still be possible (and probably) the default to search only based on name.

UPDATE: This didn't do the trick, apparantly, now search doesn't work anymore at all (finds 0 results now for any search)

Even better, give me search tool that lets me specify more precise queries (E.g search files, changed in the last hour within which have a *.log name, or something like that).