Comment 4 for bug 2051850

Revision history for this message
Mark Esler (eslerm) wrote :

I reviewed trace-cmd 3.2-1 as checked into noble. This shouldn't be
considered a full audit but rather a quick gauge of maintainability.

> TRACE-CMD: The front-end application to Ftrace. The back-end application to KernelShark.

- CVE History
  - none
- Build-Depends
  - most are for docs
  - libtrace* mirs are ack'd
  - note the d/control suggestion for installing kernelshark
    - trace-cmd is the backend for kernelshark
- pre/post inst/rm scripts
  - none
- init scripts
  - none
- systemd units
  - none
- dbus services
   - none
- setuid binaries
  - none
- binaries in PATH
  - root owned ./usr/bin/trace-cmd
- sudo fragments
  - none
- polkit files
  - none
- udev rules
  - none
- cron jobs
  - none
- unit tests / autopkgtests
  - needs tests, see MIR team's requirements
- Build logs
  - -Walloc-size-larger-than=
  - -Wformat-overflow=
  - -Wunused-result
  - please do not use in production environments

- Processes spawned
  - moderate use, as expected by nature of program
  - root user privileges are expected when using this tool
  - checked uses and attempts looks okay
  - in traceinput.c, regexec() is controlled by root unprivileged user
  - note that arbitrary commands can be specified to run based on tracing triggers
- Memory management
  - extremely heavy use
  - this code is unlikely safe to be used in production. this is meant for development.
    - we should never suggest usecases that input is untrusted
      - e.g., network traffic from untrusted sources
- File IO
  - heavy use
- Logging
  - some use of tracecmd_debug(), mostly perror()
- Environment variable usage
  - mostly used to run commands as another user
- Use of privileged functions
  - setuid, setgid, ioctl, initgroups
  - used to run arbitrary commands as an abitrary user by record_trace_command()
  - ioctl used to get the local context id of a vm socket
    - hardcoded to use Linux Kernel constant 0x7b9 +1
    - see and past ioctl_linux.go iteration
- Use of cryptography / random number sources etc
  - none
- Use of temp files
  - safe use of mkstemp
- Use of networking
  - yes, heavy socket use
- Use of WebKit
  - none
- Use of PolicyKit
  - none

- Any significant cppcheck and Coverity results
  - many results, most are likely false-positives
  - potential memory leaks caused by jumps
  - treating these as bugs in a _development tool_
    - this is not meant for _production_
  - checked OOB reports are false-positives
- Any significant shellcheck results
  - none
- Any significant bandit results
  - none
- Any significant govulncheck results
  - none
- Any significant Semgrep results
  - none
  - noisy rule complains about strtok v. strtok_r
    - see tracecmd/trace-cmd.c:53
    - proper use is understood

Security is content to review this as a _development tool_. Extreme caution should be taken if used in production.

Security team ACK for promoting trace-cmd to main.