Comment 13 for bug 2024325

Revision history for this message
Andreas Hasenack (ahasenack) wrote :

Initially I thought the patch was still more complicated than it had to be. After all, we just needed to switch the import of soft_unicode/soft_str from jinja2 to markupsafe. But the other part of the fix also changes the import of Markup. Before, was importing it from markupsafe, and was importing Markup from jinja2. That's two different sources for the same module, and while it might work, it's confusing and down the road could stop working. Right now jinja2.utils is exporting markupsafe.Markup, so essentially they are the same. But confusing, and jinja2 could change that some point in the future.

All good, I just wanted to record it here in case someone came along and also wondered why not just fix the soft_unicode/soft_str import, and leave the rest alone.