Comment 2 for bug 760981

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StewVed (stewved) wrote :

ok guys, after hitting the forums and Launchpad, I've come up with a working answer:
#1 (possibly) install the Ubuntu Restricted Extras.

#2 (Definitely) open a terminal and enter:
sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/

For clarification, the 'bug' is simply that for the end user to do something as simple as playing a DVD, they MUST copy/paste stuff into the terminal to get it to work.

 I've read a few other Launchpad bugs that are similar to this bug:
 219062 , 137527, 466123, 502552 , 647152 , 684530, 674724 , 699706 , 700707 , 702564 , (Possibly) 734555 , 744791, 748297 ,751757 , 757704, just from a small, quick search, and ALL the same 'bug' !

Please add something like this blueprint to the (Disk insert notify?) bit in Ubuntu/Debian (not Totem; the operating system would be best):

if ((user inserts a dvd) && ((libdvdcss2 is not found) || (DVD Codecs not found)) {

pop up a message box informing the user that playing a DVD requires non-free stuff, and asking the user if they wish to install the needed stuff to play the DVD. (Yes, No, plus maybe a checkbox for 'never ask again')

if (user clicks yes to agree to install the needed stuff) {

ask for admin privileges password, then automatically lob in needed stuff;
The user clicks one 'Yes' button, and after a little progress bar letting them know how the installing of stuff is going, gets to watch the DVD. No hitting the forums, googling, or Launchpad! Nice.



This 'Bug' seems to have been going on for YEARS. Hopefully adding the above to the operating system will get it finally sorted.

P.S. the reason I think it should go into the (Disk insert notify of the) operating system itself, is that Totem may not always be the default movie player, and to save the same bug coming up if/when something else takes over from it. - lets sort it out once and for all please.