Comment 2 for bug 363184

Revision history for this message
Craig73 (funrun73) wrote :

Sebastion - his steps describe it accurately enough for you to reproduce it.

Click on the volume button, click and drag the thumb control to change the volume.
1) increase the volume, once you get to 100% volume if you drag the mouse furthur up so it is above the + button, the thumb control drops down about 10-15%.
2) As you continue to drag upwards (your left mouse button still held) the volume control thumb increases again towards 100% volume.
3) If you continue to drag upwards and go above the box that is the volume control, at about a mouse pointers width above the top, the volume drops to 0% (and just stays there even if you continue to drag upwards)

Repeating from the start
1) If you click and drag the volume thumb control and while still holding the button down, drag your mouse to the left or right the volume drops to 0%

Note: if you drag the volume down below 0% there is no problem (likely because it jumping to 0 when it is already 0 isn't a problem).


The volume should track to the vertical position of the mouse and max at 100% or min 0%. (It should not drop below 100% when you drag to high / it should not drop to 0% when you drag left or right)

If the intent was to have it not change when they drag to far outside the control then have it return to the original volume setting (not 0%).