Comment 9 for bug 350772

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Pablo Castellano (pablocastellano) wrote :

I may be wrong but maybe this is the problem.

the gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly package contains info saying what decoders/encoders it provides but it doesn't mention mms:

Gstreamer-Decoders: application/vnd.rn-realmedia; application/x-pn-realaudio; application/x-rdt, media=(string)application, encoding-name=(string)X-REAL-RDT; application/x-rtp, media=(string){ application, video, audio }, encoding-name=(string)X-ASF-PF; audio/AMR; audio/AMR-WB; audio/ac3; audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int)[ 1, 3 ]; audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, parsed=(boolean)false; audio/x-ac3; audio/x-lpcm; audio/x-private1-ac3; audio/x-private1-lpcm; audio/x-sid; video/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)[ 1, 2 ], systemstream=(boolean)false; video/mpeg, mpegversion=(int){ 1, 2 }, systemstream=(boolean)true; video/x-ms-asf
Gstreamer-Elements: a52dec, ac3iec958, amrnbdec, amrnbenc, amrwbdec, asfdemux, cdiocddasrc, dvddemux, dvdlpcmdec, dvdreadsrc, dvdsubdec, dvdsubparse, mad, mp3parse, mpeg2dec, mpegdemux, mpegparse, pnmsrc, rademux, rdtdepay, rdtmanager, rmdemux, rtpasfdepay, rtspreal, rtspwms, siddec, twolame, xingmux
Gstreamer-Encoders: audio/AMR; audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int)2; audio/x-iec958; audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)4321, signed=(boolean)true
Gstreamer-Uri-Sources: cdda, dvd, pnm
Gstreamer-Version: 0.10

Can someone from the QA team have a look at it?