Comment 6 for bug 245131

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Hibou57 (Yannick Duchêne) (yannick-duchene) wrote :

The invalid mark should be removed from this bug report, because that is indeed a bug. FireFox insist one using gnome-mplayer for handling of MIDI file, while gnome-mplayer is perfectly unable to play any MIDI file at all, while Totem is able to. So this is indeed a bug, and moreover, this bug is related to this one, which would be solve in the mean time if FireFox was using Totem to play MIDI file, just like it do to play Wave files when gnome-mplayer is not their. I've checked FireFox is able to play MIDI file using totem, as soon as you cheat it with a “ type="audio/x-wav" ” to suggest it to open the file the plugin it use to open wave files, although it's a MIDI file. And this work.

So, FireFox not using Totem to play MIDI file is indeed a bug, and solving this bug would also solve an at least three years old other bug which no body seems to care about.

Seriously, no body care if a browser can play whatever funny encoding for video while it is unable to play such a simple thing as MIDI (a 30 years old standard, … and very simple standard above all). That is not decent.

This bug must be solved, and you know how to solve it : the plugin which invokes Totem, should register itself a able to handle MIDI file (it can do it, I've tested it!)