Comment 4 for bug 234861

Revision history for this message
teledyn (garym-teledyn) wrote :

Plays back very nicely with that command line:

$ gst-launch-0.10 playbin "uri=file://`pwd`/Scott Henderson - Mr PC.flv"
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
E: socket-client.c: socket(): Address family not supported by protocol
Pipeline is PREROLLED ...
Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...
New clock: GstAudioSinkClock

I also noticed last night that I was unable to play the NASA-TV live Phoenix feed in firefox, and only marginally able to watch (very choppy and uneven but occasionally smooth) using the command line; just after the first images were received from Mars it locked up completely. I tried both with and without aoss because I'm finding there are numerous audio conflicts in the 8.04 release.

aoss totem "mms://"

this may have been congestion at the NASA server, or due to internet trouble in the way; there is a press conf at 2pm today so I can try it again then knowing that practically no one
would be watching a NASA press conference ;)