Comment 7 for bug 1976110

Revision history for this message
Bryce Harrington (bryce) wrote :

@Anthony, you've got a thorough looking reproduction, and sounds like the patch was acceptable, and that's great you've had experience following the process on LP: #1875109. To your question on what is still needed here, it looks like step 3 from the link Robie presented would need attention next; i.e. adding an [Impact] section and [Where problems could occur].

For step #4, it looks like you've done the lion's share of the work for that via the PPA you provided in comment #1. The version number for this SRU to jammy needs to be 3.2a-4ubuntu1.1, and the changelog text should include a reference to this bug #, and a bit more explanation of the change itself; again you can look at the changelog from to get a feel for the formating and level of detail expected.

Again, thanks for already going above and beyond, the above steps aren't expected of you but if you do tackle them it will speed the processing of this fix.