Comment 13 for bug 1976110

Revision history for this message
Utkarsh Gupta (utkarsh) wrote (last edit ):


Performing the verification:

$ lxc launch images:ubuntu/jammy jtemp --vm
$ lxc shell jtemp
# apt upadte && apt install tmux
### change to a user - not really needed but I have a user configured.
$ tmux -V
>> tmux 3.2a
$ apt show tmux | grep Version
>> Version: 3.2a-4
$ tmux new-session -d -x 20 -y 20 bash
$ tmux send-keys 'tput cols'
$ tmux send-keys 'Enter'
$ sleep 1
$ tmux capture-pane -pt0 | grep -Eo '^[0-9]+'
>> 118
$ tmux kill-session

## Enabling the -proposed repository.
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
$ tmux -V
>> tmux 3.2a
$ apt show tmux | grep Version
>> Version: 3.2a-4ubuntu0.1
$ tmux new-session -d -x 20 -y 20 bash
$ tmux send-keys 'tput cols'
$ tmux send-keys 'Enter'
$ sleep 1
$ tmux capture-pane -pt0 | grep -Eo '^[0-9]+'
>> 20
$ tmux kill-session

Therefore, the fix works as expected. Thus marking the bug as verified. \o/