Comment 9 for bug 1812387

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Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

Hi Prasanna,
thank you for the detailed instructions.
I ran this on Bionic/Cosmic/Disco to get a feeling if tmux recently broke or got fixed.
That is matching versions:
 tmux | 2.6-3ubuntu0.1 | bionic-updates
 tmux | 2.7-1 | cosmic
 tmux | 2.8-2 | disco

I don't get a crash in any of those :-/

Since you set prefix to Alt+e to initialize the TPM it actually is "alt+e I".
And I see:
TMUX environment reloaded
Done, press ENTER to continue

No crashes nor anything similar.

To make sure the conf really is loaded I ran
  $ tmux source ~/.tmux.conf
But still nothing happened then or on another re-init.

I can get a list of installed plugins by entering the update function via
"Alt+e U"
So TPM did initialize properly.
I could update all plugins through that.

I switched from the git based TPM that you recommended to the actual one in the Ubuntu Archive and adapted the paths.
In the config you then end like:
  run -b '/usr/share/tmux-plugin-manager/tpm'

Still worked just fine.