Comment 1 for bug 1997762

Revision history for this message
Frans van der Have (fvanderhave) wrote :

The reproducing test script as text:
--------- begin wish script ------------
#!/usr/bin/env wish

set famName "Noto Color Emoji"
set availList [font families]
set weight "bold"
set refText "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

if {$famName ni $availList} {
    puts "Font family $famName is not available on your system. "
    puts "If you are running Ubuntu, please install the package "
    puts "'fonts-noto-color-emoji'."

puts "tcl patchlevel: [info patchlevel]"
puts "tcl_platform:"
foreach key [array names tcl_platform] {
    puts "$key: $tcl_platform($key)"

for {set pixSize -1} {$pixSize >= -20} {incr pixSize -1} {
    font create myTestFont -size $pixSize -family $famName -weight $weight
    set linespace [font metrics myTestFont -linespace]
    set width [font measure myTestFont $refText]
    font delete myTestFont
    puts "Size $pixSize linespace $linespace width $width."
puts "Done."
--------- end wish script ------------