Comment 0 for bug 957922

Revision history for this message
nick rundy (nrundy) wrote : Indicator-Messages should turn blue when new emails land in Thunderbird

When new emails arrive in Thunderbird, two things should happen:
1.) the Indicator-Messages icon in the panel should change color to blue
2.) the "Inbox" entry within the Messaging Menu should change color to blue

Without this color-changing capability to indicate new correspondence, the Indicator-Messages icon is just a waste of panel space. What is gained from having a panel icon when the user can simply use a Super+1-0 shortcut to access the relevant application instead? What the Indicator does is provide information and notice even when the Launcher is hidden while allowing quick access (via clicking Indicator) to quickly learn what event caused the notice.

Since the Indicator-Messages is a default panel icon, landing this feature should carry some elevated importance.

Per discussion on the <email address hidden> thread, Mark Shuttleworth wrote on 28 February 2012:
"Yes, this would be consistent with our design guidelines for the indicators.
 * the indicator can turn colour [green - affirmative, blue - informational, red - warning]
 * the relevant section in the indicator (in this case, software update line in the menu) goes the same colour to create a thread from the indicator to the menu action
Mockups and bugs welcome.