Comment 70 for bug 603402

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In , M-wada-7 (m-wada-7) wrote :

(In reply to delid4ve from comment #33)
> (snip) offline/online / different folder / manually checking for mail does not solve. (snip)
> IDLE is enabled accross, but i have disabled and makes no difference.

It's pretty simple. Merely one of next,
  (i) Your problem is not this bug. Your problem is absolutely different problem from this bug.
  (ii) Your problem is this bug, but your operation is wrong.
because this bug is for following problem(and only for following problem).
  Server doesn't notify flag change via IDLE,
  so Tb can't know flag change status of already fetched mail via IDLE.

Example of (i) :
- If CONDSTORE is used, UID fetch 1:* (FLAGS) (CHANGEDSINCE ...), UID fetch Highest:*
  (CHANGEDSINCE ...) is used by Tb. This may produce problems in getting flag status of already
  fetched mail.
  Read bug 885220 for IMAP flow for this, please.
  This kind of issue is one of reasons why bug 912216 was opened.
  Note: Both bugs are alreeady pointed in this bug.
Example of (ii) :
  - IDLE command is issued after end of IMAP command execution at cached connection.
    "Use IDLE command" setting is for "issue IDLE or not, at end of IMAP command execution".
    "Use IDLE command" setting is never for "terminate current IDLE status at a cached connection".
  - Upon periodical new mail check, if an Mbox is already selected at a cached connection.
    Tb uses "uid fetch KnownHighestUID:* Flags".
    Inbox is selected at a cached connection always, except when max cached connection=1.
  Even though these, even though an Mbox is still IDLE status at a cached connection after
  disabling "Use IDLE command" setting, or even though an Mbox is still selected at a cached
  connection after some actions, write useless comment to a bug.
  "go Work Offline" step of operations which is written in this bug is for;
     Force close of all cached connections, in order to force Tb to do "open connection, login,
     select Inbox(and other Mbox), uid 1:* fetch (flags)" again after "go Work Online".
  "disabling CONDSTORE support" is for;
     Force Tb to use "uid 1:* fetch (flags)" instead of "uid fetch 1:* (flags) (CHANGEDSINCE ...)"
     even when server supports CONDSTORE extension.