Comment 40 for bug 52670

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D. Brodzik (amyrose) wrote :

I have a workaround to make Thunderbird and Firefox use KDE's settings.

First, create a script called /usr/local/bin/kfmclientexec that contains these two lines only:
kfmclient exec "$*"

Save and make it executable (+x).

Next, in Firefox, go to about:config and create or edit a string value called "" and set it to "/usr/local/bin/kfmclientexec". This should make Firefox use the e-mail client you configured in KDE.

In Thunderbird, go to the about:config screen (Edit --> Preferences, Advanced, General, Config Editor) and create or set two string values called "" and "" to "/usr/bin/kfmclientexec"

This should work with the default settings in both programs. I hope this works, at least until things get sorted out better. :) It works for me, at least.