Comment 42 for bug 357864

Revision history for this message
In , Tor-zianet (tor-zianet) wrote :

It seems that other bug is focused on signatures primarily. I'm trying to point
out a way that could allow one control over how they handle their mail and
customize it to suit their needs.

As per the original request for this thread:
"Often, I want to send a message that appears to come from someone else. For
example, I respond to e-mails directed to <email address hidden>, and I want
my messages to appear to come from that address."

By having multiple non-receiving identities you are allowed to have multiple
'From field' choices that don't necessarily need to check mail or trick the mail
prog with false information. This request and the one pointed out in the last
reply for customizable sig lines could be taken care of all together.

Currently I receive 8 email accounts all on my primary email address. I send
replies to customers from each address and have the choices in the dropdown
menu. Each one also has it's own sig-file assoicated with it, which for this
discussion isn't a big deal, but it's a nice option to have. The only problem
with this is that in order to maintain the account settings I have to edit a
manually created user.js file that I made. I only have 1 actual account and 1
set of folders for that account. If I needed extra folders those can already be

All that it took to accomplish the goal of wanting to send mail that appears to
come from someone else was already built in to the prefs.js file for mail
settings. It just took a hybrid account type that was an amalgam of a real POP
account but used the bogus server settings of a Local Mail folder and was
disabled from being checked when getting new mail. This hybrid amalgam could be
created inside the program very easily as an alternate account type instead of
requiring the user to kludge together his own solution and would be very

If you don't believe this to have any bearing on adding or changing headers
arbitrarily then I must appologize for not making myself clear enough. Those
headers would be customizable within the account manager interface and allow you
to have as many extra From addresses as you need to take care of the different
hats you must wear by having different email addresses. I didn't want to post a
new ticket duplicating some other persons request. This ticket here was very
close to what I'm looking for.