Comment 0 for bug 312483

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In , Bugzilla-sandstede (bugzilla-sandstede) wrote :

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20051004 Firefox/1.0.7
Build Identifier: Thunderbird version 1.0.7 (20051015)

system date format settings are not respected and there is no way to set it in thunderbird itself

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1.Start Thunderbird
Actual Results:
date format is MM/DD/YY

Expected Results:
date format should be DD/MM/YYYY as set in KDE

Currently the date format in TB is MM/DD/YY.
I want it to be DD/MM/YY or DD/MM/YYYY and acording to that setting is not even availible in user.js(and I realy should not have to set it there anyway).
It does not use the setting from KDE either and in TB itself the is no cofiguration window to even set the date format, at least none that I could find.
The ISO format would be OK too, but I realy hate the american date format.
Maybe the default should be changed to ISO format.

Changing LC_TIME locale does not do anything.
I am using Gentoo Linux.
I do not have userlocales compiled in, but that should not be the only way to set things anyway. It should only be used to determine the default setting.