Comment 20 for bug 233990

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C de-Avillez (hggdh2) wrote :

Well. I got here via André's email to BugSquad. Some comments and requests:

0. Being aggressive does not help. I actually stopped to consider if I should look at it, and eventually (and nevertheless) decided to. But, as far as I can understand, you *did* succeed in getting all involved not really interested in helping. Next time please keep in mind that most of us are *volunteers*. We have no obligation to help.

1. No, it was not clear *where* the problem was (apart from "being in the MDN"). Also, I am pretty sure asac wanted to ask the you 'where' instead of 'what'.

2. I see no reason why I should spend time to search for a bare LF that you did not think important enough to point out, in a file full of characters.

3. Nevertheless I did it. I found (and I did *not* look carefully) one single bare LF, in the initial headers. So, I wonder:

3.1. Can you repeat every time this error?
3.2. Just for grins, could you try again, after changing your email name so that it will not have an accented 'e'? This is an area where I have seen a lot of issues in the past, and I am curious.
3.3. finally what is your current Thunderbird version? Full version string, please.

4. Finally, no, I do not run Thunderbird, nor QMail. I am not interested in running either (even though usually anything written by DJ Berstein is really good).