Comment 27 for bug 1945368

Revision history for this message
In , W-mm (w-mm) wrote :

Dear et al
                re TB and Gmail and Goggle Calendar
I've been a Pro Guru and user for 26 years. When Netscape Browser and Mail came out 20+ years ago, I was one of the first users
I'm not a Programmer and I salute you for TB !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But, I'm not a slouch either.

I set up new machines and new users with TB all the time.
Even with OAuth in my experience, the ' Less Secure App ' BS is ALWAYS NEEDED !
With Outlook...its NOT !
With Iphone IOS Mail or Outlook IOS, there is NO Problem !

And, I disagree, that Google is trying to force users to use Webmail !
It just seems that Google doesn't like Mozilla !!!! ????

PS The auto config sometimes works and sometimes not ;-(
If not, I usually copy my TB settings using my oauth settings and my ports to get TB to handshake with Gmail

Be all that as it may........... If Outlook is 'excepted' by Gmail to work without the "less secure app' protocol
I'm just asking if its not to difficult, to make TB 'exceptable' to Gmail
If its too much of a hassle........Now that I know about the ' less secure app' HOOP, I can live with it!

And back to the Google Calendar
    I'm humbly suggesting, that why release a NEW TB version without a MESSAGE warning Lightning users to disable Google Provider if thats what is needed to make it work?! HATS OFF to all you Programmers, as I've NO Programming Skills and I salute you, as I LOVE TB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU :-) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!