Comment 25 for bug 522509

Revision history for this message
Diego Morales (dgmorales) wrote :

Hello Allen,

As you may already know, the tftpd-hpa daemon is started on boot by the upstart system, as configured in the file /etc/init/tftpd-hpa.conf. This file contains a line beggining with "start on", which gives the *condition* in which upstart will start the daemon (by running the script that is defined in the same file).

The error message "cannot resolve local IPv4 bind address:, Name or service not known" tells us that there is no configured IP address when tftpd is started.

In my case, that happened because of the NIC bonding (multiple physical NICs configured as one logical NIC) configuration. The original "start on" condition (on lucid) is "start on (filesystem and net-device-up IFACE!=lo)". So when bondX gets up, that condition is satisfied, tftpd starts, but all the physical interfaces which are part of bondX are not ready yet, which gives the error, and makes tftpd exit. I changed the condition (in a non-generic, not even good way) so tftpd gets started later. It worked

Do you use nic bonding too?

I've just checked now that in Precise they changed the condition to "start on runlevel [2345]". I guess that should work even with bonding, don't remember if I tried that... Could it be another network configuration problem in your setup, maybe?