Comment 1 for bug 165263

Revision history for this message
Norbert Preining (preining) wrote : Re: [Bug 165263] Request for updated .bst files

Dear Jason,

On Mo, 26 Nov 2007, JasonVenkiteswaran wrote:
> In 2004, the agu bst files were updated. The Gutsy package texlive-
> publishers 2007-3 still has the old agu files. The new bst files and
> documentation are here:

Could you check whether the updated bst files are present on CTAN, the
Comprehensive TeX Archive Network? Because we (upstream TeX Live)
include only the stuff from CTAN, we cannot check 1500+ packages from
different places around the world.

If the stuff is already on CTAN please let me know and I will update it
in the TeX Live subversion repository and the next release of TeX Live
will include them. If not, please contact the authors to upload the
files to CTAN.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <email address hidden> Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <email address hidden> Debian TeX Group
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The correct name for a junior apprentice greengrocer whose main duty
is to arrange the fruit so that the bad side is underneath. From the
name of a character not in Dickens.
   --- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff