Comment 13 for bug 1252737

Revision history for this message
Tiago Salem Herrmann (tiagosh) wrote :

I debugged this issue a bit with Omer and it turns out the newest telepathy mission-control daemon is not respecting the use-conn key in gsettings.
This key tells mission-control to ignore the connection status from network-manager and load the telepathy connection managers (telepathy-ofono in this case) even if there is no network.

After some tests we found out that if you manually set the gsettings key while mission-control is running [1] you will get telepathy-ofono launched correctly, but if you restart the phone, even if the key is set to the correct value, mission-control will not work, so you have to manually set it again during runtime.

Debugging a bit more, I found out that mission-control reads the correct value during startup and after that the value is set to "true" again (which is the default value). [2]

I am assuming this is the change that actually introduced the bug, but I am not completely sure:

[1] gsettings set im.telepathy.MissionControl.FromEmpathy use-conn false
[2] MC_DEBUG=all G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all /usr/lib/telepathy/mission-control-5 2>&1 | grep use_conn