Comment 7 for bug 1226739

Revision history for this message
Tony Espy (awe) wrote : Re: Ubuntu phone calls back automatically

I managed to reproduce this with yesterday's build on my mako.

I spent some time yesterday afternoon debugging. In order to catch if the dialback was caused by the upper layers, I decided to try and snoop on DBus 'Dial' calls to the ofono's VoiceCallManager interface. In order to snoop these calls, I needed to create a file drop a fail named '99-eavesdrop.conf' into /etc/dbus-1/system.d ( and reboot ):

root@ubuntu-phablet:/etc/dbus-1/system.d# more 99-eavesdrop.conf
<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC
"-//freedesktop//DTD D-Bus Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
<policy context="default">
  <allow send_destination="*" eavesdrop="true"/>
  <!-- Allow everything to be received -->
  <allow eavesdrop="true"/>

Once added, I can snoop the calls with this command:

# dbus-monitor --system "type='method_call',interface=org.ofono.VoiceCallManager"

I also ran the ofono script 'monitor-ofono' to watch ofono signals in a seperate window. For each incoming call, I'm seeing the expected "CallAdded" signal. And, as expected ( by me at least ), when the auto-callback happens, I see a 'Dial' method call:

method call sender=:1.41 -> dest=org.ofono serial=112 path=/ril_0; interface=org.ofono.VoiceCallManager; member=Dial
   string "6174480627"
   string ""

So, I suspect something is happening in telepathy-ofono, or telepathy itself to trigger this behavior.