Comment 5 for bug 1715185

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camypaj (mantonijevic) wrote :

Hi all,

I almost reported this as a new bug, since it affects telegram-desktop version 1.2.17-1 in Ubuntu Mate 18.04, but to put it short: "it is still a problem".
From what I can tell, this package is still rather old (binaries on the mention version 1.8.12, and it doesn't make sense for me to go for an overkill of a snap/flatpak/appimage.
My suggestions:
1) remove the old one from ubuntu repo, and point people to the ppa, which contains version 1.8.8-0ubuntu0 (probably conflicting with this old one from ubuntu repos)
2) updating the package in the main repo, and, for example, adding some postinstall/postrm/prerm hooks. I've looked at the other packages, and all of them seem to successfully install their icons, in for example
telegram-desktop has zero scripts for this logic, just copies the files (if it succeeds), and that's it. I would assume there's a standardized way to trigger a menu "refresh" on a system level, for all users?
What this package needs is some logic for error handling, for example that it can report if there's a problem installing/removing files.

Also, (and this might be a "Ubuntu Mate" specific problem), the main user which installed the package, got the menu item installed, and all the others didn't.

I know it's too "hand-wavy" for a comment on a bug report, but since I didn't do this via tool (to avoid the duplicates), I had to write it from memory.

If I can help in any way, please let me know.
