Comment 13 for bug 882254

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Steve Langasek (vorlon) wrote :

I have no idea why people are following up to this bug with questions about max brightness all of a sudden, but this is a bug report about /etc/rc.local not being marked executable. If your /etc/rc.local file is not executable, then you may be seeing this bug - in which case it would be helpful if you would provide more information about how /etc/rc.local came to not be executable on your system, since we can't reproduce this.

However, it is much more likely that the problem you're encountering is not due to /etc/rc.local failing to execute at startup, but instead due to your rc.local not being configured to do what you actually want. You should test that the proposed command does anything at all by running it at the command line:

    echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness

If you can't get it to work at the commandline, you definitely won't get it to work from rc.local. And even if you get it to work at the commandline, this setting may be getting overridden by the desktop after rc.local runs.

But unless 'ls -l /etc/rc.local' shows that the file is not executable, please do not send further follow-ups to this bug report. The askubuntu question is a much more appropriate place to discuss.