Comment 37 for bug 45842

Revision history for this message
T. Ribbrock (emgaron) wrote :

I suprised that his fix only seems to affect "sysvinit" - I just ran into this problem on Gutsy once again (very annoying) and noticed that sysvinit is not installed on that box. This is an out-of-box 7.10 install with updates. "sysvinit" is in the list of packages that can be installed, however, if I try to install it, several other packages will be uninstalled:

- apparmor
- apparmor-utils
- startup-tasks
- system-services
- ubuntu-minimal
- upstart
- upstart-compat-sysv
- upstart-logd

If Hardy works the same, I wonder whether the fix in sysvinit is sufficient if it isn't used. What am I missing here?