Comment 9 for bug 1581687

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Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

I'd assume it might have something to do with the mouse pointer catching. You often have all sorts of key combos to exit those, maybe one of those blocks it.

I have a Host Kubuntu as well and tried unity in guest first.
There the language switch is "meta+space" that worked well for me.
I switched the hotkey to "alt+shiftL" as you said but that works well still.

Yet I have the setup in a way to allow no mouse capturing, so no need for qemu to catch some of my keys (using the "new" default being usbtablet as input device).

I shut the guest down and switched to pointer device (was defaulting to relative movement on Generic PS2 Mouse, now trying EvTouch USB Tablet, but I could still switch just fine with that device.

I have found a few times that it stopped working, what got me working again is to go to the key shortcut setup and set "alt+shiftL" again. I actually did that to see if the key event still gets there, but it did and after that it continued to work (I no longer lost the ability to switch langauages).

While we got an update about 17.04 I was focusing on 16.04 for the initial report.

That was odd already, I installed kubuntu-desktop in the guest to check that (closer to your case). But there as well I can switch just fine.
Config looks like this (see attached png)

So far in my case I tried English/German since that would be my combo. I wondered it it might be a coincidence that both reporters have Russian settings, so I tried that next.
German/English/Russion as well as "English/Russian/Ukranian" work well for me.
Maybe a silly question, but I found that KDE has shortcuts for toggling layouts (top right) and a per language shortcut - I only set the global toggling one.

Along all that I installed the tool "key-mon" to make it always visible to me if my keys are recognized by the guest system. Because IMHO there is the split - if the keys get seen by the guest then libvirt/qemu is out of the equation here and we have to search in the desktop suites. But if the keys are not arriving we have to look where/why.

Sorry - I'm not really a graphical/desktop guy, and this issue still puzzles me - I noted some questions for you.

- While I don't understand yet what is happening exactly, could you try to go to key bindings again and re-bind "alt+shiftL" to it?
- Please report if that fixes the issue permanently for you as it did for me, or if not at least if the "alt+shiftL" does come to the guest when you try to refresh the binding.
- Does your KDE key layout config look like the image I attached

- just to confirm in your case this "started" with the qemu/libvirt/virt-manager of 17.04 but worked before?

- could you install key-mon as well and tell me if in the faulty case you still see Alt+Shift reported as being pressed?
- Could you post a screenshot of your language setting key binds (like the one I attached, but matching your desktop/config).