Comment 1 for bug 2072885

Revision history for this message
Jose Manuel Santamaria Lema (panfaust) wrote :

Another few things:

I tested the system package from here and it still has the same problem.

Executing /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-networkd just like that resurrects the network.

Commenting out certain things in /usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-networkd.service make the network service work again - this is obviously not a solution, but I'm mentioning it in case it helps to debug the problem. The things you have to do with that file to "fix" the problem with -networkd are:
1. comment out the "ImportCredential=network.wireguard.*" line
2. comment out all the "Protect" lines
3. remove "systemd-networkd-persistent-storage.service" from "Wants="
4. systemctl daemon-reload
5. systemctl restart systemd-networkd

Also please note there's also many other services broken, network and journal are just the most 2 noticeable examples.