Comment 0 for bug 1988078

Revision history for this message
Nick Rosbrook (enr0n) wrote :


We plan to SRU src:systemd-hwe to Jammy[1] to provide an easier way to SRU HWE hwdb rules to Ubuntu. The src:systemd-hwe package contains a test script[2] to ensure that no redundant hwdb rules are added to the package, i.e. rules that are already present in src:systemd. This test requires patches to implement --root flag support for the `systemd-hwdb query` command[3]. These patches are already present in kinetic.

Without these patches in Jammy, src:systemd-hwe would have to disable these tests, which are important to maintaining HWE hwdb rules in Ubuntu.


[Test plan]

* Create a new directory for testing hwdb rule queries:

$ mkdir -p fakeroot/etc/udev/hdwb.d

* Add a new .hwdb file to override an existing rule. For example, I chose to override the last entry from /lib/udev/hdwb.d/60-keyboard.hwdb:

$ tail -2 /lib/udev/hwdb.d/60-keyboard.hwdb > fakeroot/etc/udev/hwdb.d/60-keyboard.hwdb
$ sed -i 's/chromebook/reserved/g' fakeroot/etc/udev/hwdb.d/60-keyboard.hwdb
$ cat fakeroot/etc/udev/hwdb.d/60-keyboard.hwdb

* Create the hwdb.bin within fakeroot:

$ systemd-hwdb update --root fakeroot
$ ls fakeroot/etc/udev/hwdb.bin

* Finally, attempt to query this new hwdb.bin using systemd-hwdb query. On an unpatched system, we will see results from the system's hwdb.bin:

$ systemd-hwdb query --root fakeroot evdev:atkbd:dmi:bvn*:bvr*:bd*:svnAcer*:pnPeppy:* | grep XKB_FIXED_MODEL

...and on a patched system we should see the overridden rule:

$ systemd-hwdb query --root fakeroot evdev:atkbd:dmi:bvn*:bvr*:bd*:svnAcer*:pnPeppy:* | grep XKB_FIXED_MODEL

[Where problems could occur]
The patches add support for the --root flag when calling systemd-hwdb query, thus changing the behavior of this command (previously, query would always load the system's hwdb.bin). It is unlikely that existing scripts try to use the --root flag with `systemd-hwdb query`, but if they did, this is where we would see problems.