Comment 0 for bug 1833193

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Lars Erik Pedersen (pedersen-larserik) wrote : systemd-network fails to apply static IPv4 when the static IP is the same as previously configured by DHCP

In bionic, running systemd 237-3ubuntu10.22 and 0.97-0ubuntu1~18.04.1, systemd-networkd fails to configure an interface with a static IPv4 address if the statically confiugred address is the same as the interface already has gotten from DHCP.

This will cause the interface to loose its IP address when the DHCP lease exires, even though you've told netplan to configure it as static.

I expect systemd-networkd to actually configure an IP address as static, regardless of what address the interface has before from DHCP.

# lsb_release -rd
Description: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
Release: 18.04

# apt-cache policy systemd
  Installed: 237-3ubuntu10.22

# apt-cache policy
  Installed: 0.97-0ubuntu1~18.04.1

A paste of systemd-networkd's debug log when I run "netplan apply" and the interface already has the static IP configured from DHCP.

It seems like upon a restart, systemd-networkd will allways add whatever IP config it had before the service stopped, and then apply changes (if any). Since my new config has the same IP as it already had, it does nothing even though the new config has static configuration.