Comment 21 for bug 1811580

Revision history for this message
Matt P (matp) wrote :

Okay. I guess I would have expected that if there was a dependency on a specific kernel version, that I wouldn't be able to install a package that wasn't compatible and breaks the system by installing a security update. It would be preferable to be informed there is a security update but that I can't install it because I am running an out of date kernel...then I know I am insecure and that the kernel is the issue. But I guess that is a topic for the package management guys. The error message from systemd-tmpfiles about too many symlinks isn't particularly helpful either since in this case the problem (apparently) has nothing to do with symlinks but rather filesystem apis in the old kernel (I guess?).

Yes of course I can contact the hosting provider and ask them to provide an updated kernel and the likely result may be that I just have to use an alternate provider if I want this to work. Perhaps I should anyway since the hosting provider having such old kernels isn't a good sign.

I also saw this comment:

For now I have worked around this issue by just updating the paths to point to /run instead of /var/run so systemd-tmpfiles doesn't barf on the symlinks.

    sed -i -e 's;/var/run;/run;g' /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/*.conf