Comment 6 for bug 1765765

Revision history for this message
Guillermo (guillermo-etsetb) wrote :

Hi Brian,

No, I had to remove it since including it triggered some errors during boot.
IIRC, one was "failed to raise network interfaces". I've tried with 18.04.2 and networking works, but there's only the raising network interfaces error.

In both cases, gnome says that networking is "unmanaged". Does it make sense?

Here's an extract from syslog under 18.04.2 with ip=dhcp:
Feb 20 07:14:06 ubuntu avahi-daemon[924]: Failed to open /etc/resolv.conf: Invalid argument
Feb 20 07:14:07 ubuntu NetworkManager[909]: <warn> [1550646847.4309] Error: failed to open /run/network/ifstate
Feb 20 07:14:09 ubuntu ifup[1367]:Error: any valid prefix is expected rather than "dhcp/dhcp".
Feb 20 07:14:09 ubuntu ifup[1367]: Failed to bring up dhcp.
Feb 20 07:14:09 ubuntu systemd[1]: networking.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Feb 20 07:14:09 ubuntu systemd[1]: networking.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Feb 20 07:14:09 ubuntu systemd[1]: Failed to start Raise network -la

The invalid argument error is also present when I boot without ip=dhcp, but that's all.