Comment 0 for bug 1625584

Revision history for this message
Martin Pitt (pitti) wrote :

libnss-{resolve,mymachines,myhostname} automatically add/remove themselves from /etc/nsswitch.conf on installation/removal.

But when (manually) adding NSS action specifiers, these do not get removed along.

  * Install libnss-machines. This will change the "hosts" line in /etc/nsswitch.conf from e. g. "files dns" to "files dns mymachines".
  * Edit the file to add an action specifier: "files dns mymachines [!UNAVAIL=return]"
  * Remove/purge libnss-machines.
  * In current xenial (229-4ubuntu7)/yakkety (231-6) the hosts line ends up as "files dns [!UNAVAIL=return]", i. e. the action specifier now applies to "dns" but should have been removed.
  * With the fixed version, the action specifier is completely gone.
  * Re-test with installing libnss-resolve (which inserts itself before "dns") and modifying to "files resolve [!UNAVAIL=return] dns [foo=bar]", then purge libnss-resolve again -- this should again remove the [!UNAVAIL=return] but *NOT* "dns [foo=bar]".