Comment 0 for bug 1902858

Revision history for this message
ardour (ardouronerous) wrote : Xubuntu 20.04 - Printer Change Driver Windows becomes unresponsive

User yetanotherbryan from Ubuntu Forums has reported on this since May 2020, and I've also experience this bug this week when I upgraded to 20.04.

    Unable to Change Printer Driver in Ubuntu 20.04

    I'm trying to get my printer setup on a fresh install of 20.04. In
    setttings, when I add my network printer (Samsung M287X), it is found
    and installs a default driver. I am able to print normally. I trying
    to swap out the printer driver ("Additional Printer Settings" >
    "Properties" > "Make and Model -Change") to install alternative
    drivers. This is necessary to enable some features such as two sided
    printing. When I click "Change" it attempts to search for drivers but
    comes unresponsive. This is something that I have done many times on
    previous versions of ubuntu. Anybody have an idea of what is happening



Included in this bug report is a screenshot of the bug itself.